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Our Services

We offer a wide range of services to help our clients improve their energy goals.

Energy Procurement

We empower businesses to make smart and strategic decisions about their electricity and natural gas needs. With our industry expertise, we secure the best rates and contracts to optimize cost savings and sustainability. Partner with us today and unlock the potential for efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable energy procurement that drives growth and profitability.

Energy Efficiency

At StarkX, we offer comprehensive energy efficiency services to help businesses reduce consumption and achieve savings aOur experts analyze energy usage, implement efficient technologies, and optimize operations for maximum efficiency. Partner with StarkX to unlock long-term cost savings, sustainability, and a greener future.”

Demand Response

We can help businesses participate in demand response programs that incentivize them to reduce their energy consumption during periods of high demand. Our experts can help you identify the best demand response programs for your business and help you participate in them.

Renewable Energy

At StarkX, we provide tailored solutions for businesses to smoothly transition to renewable energy sources such as solar PV systems, fuel cells, and storage options. Our expert team ensures a seamless integration of these cutting-edge technologies, empowering your business to embrace a greener and more sustainable future while maximizing energy efficiency and resilience.


Our comprehensive sustainability services enable companies to reduce their carbon footprint, implement renewable energy solutions, and adopt sustainable practices. Through meticulous analysis, strategic planning, and innovative technologies, we help businesses achieve their ambitious net-zero, de-carbonization or any other ambitious sustainability targets.

Budgets & Forecasting

We help businesses manage their energy costs more effectively by providing accurate budget projections and forecasting.

Energy & Water Benchmarking

We offer benchmarking services to help businesses compare their energy and water usage to industry standards and identify areas for improvement.

Reporting & Certifications

We provide comprehensive reporting and certification services to help businesses meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Our Service

Energy Procurement

We assist our clients in sourcing energy from renewable and cost-effective sources. Our experts can help you analyze your energy consumption, identify opportunities for savings, and negotiate better energy contracts.

Energy Efficiency

We help businesses optimize their energy usage by implementing energy efficiency upgrades, retro-commissioning, and equipment upgrades. Our experts conduct energy audits to identify opportunities for energy savings and then design and implement customized solutions that can help reduce energy usage and costs.

Demand Response

We can help businesses participate in demand response programs that incentivize them to reduce their energy consumption during periods of high demand. Our experts can help you identify the best demand response programs for your business and help you participate in them.

Lighting Retrofits

We offer lighting retrofit solutions that can help businesses reduce their energy consumption and costs. Our experts can help you identify energy-efficient lighting options that can improve lighting quality while reducing energy usage.


We help businesses optimize the performance of their existing systems and equipment through retro-commissioning. Our experts conduct a comprehensive analysis of your systems and equipment to identify inefficiencies and recommend solutions that can improve performance, and reduce energy usage and costs.

Equipment Upgrades

We can help businesses upgrade their equipment to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Our experts can help you identify opportunities for equipment upgrades, recommend the best options for your business, and implement the upgrades.

Renewable Energy

We offer renewable energy solutions that can help businesses reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and promote sustainable energy practices. Our experts can help you identify the best renewable energy options for your business, and design and install customized solutions that can help you reduce your carbon footprint and lower energy costs.


We help businesses develop sustainable energy practices that can help reduce their environmental impact and improve their bottom line. Our experts can help you set energy goals, track your progress, and develop sustainability reports that can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

Energy Budgets & Forecasting

We assist businesses in managing their energy budgets and forecasting energy costs. Our experts can help you develop accurate energy budgets and forecasts, monitor your energy usage and costs, and recommend strategies to improve your energy management.

Energy & Water Benchmarking

We help businesses benchmark their energy and water usage against industry standards to identify opportunities for improvement. Our experts can help you identify inefficiencies, set energy and water reduction goals, and develop strategies to achieve them.

Reporting & Certifications

We provide businesses with comprehensive reporting and certification services to help them track their energy performance and comply with regulatory requirements. Our experts can help you obtain ENERGY STAR certifications, LEED certifications, and other certifications that can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

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Why Choose Us

Driven by our passion for sustainable energy

we deliver innovative solutions that make a lasting impact on your business.

"Every act of energy conservation... is more than just common sense: I tell you it is an act of patriotism"

Our Process

We would conduct a thorough assessment of your energy usage, rates, power factor, and peak demand usage.  We aim to grasp your company’s energy and sustainability targets to set a clear understanding of what you expect from us.


We would conduct a thorough assessment of your energy usage, rates, power factor, and peak demand usage.  We aim to grasp your company’s energy and sustainability targets to set a clear understanding of what you expect from us.


Based on the assessment, we recommend energy-saving measures after considering the planned capital or expense budgets. We work with you to implement the approved measures, including coordinating with contractors and monitoring progress.


We continuously monitor the energy usage and performance of the implemented measures, provide frequent M&V reports and make further adjustments to your energy management program accordingly.


Our main goal is to manage your energy program which would allow continuous evaluation of your property in terms of energy, water, and sustainability aspect.